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Guest Monitoring

"Guest Monitoring" is a solution of strategic interest for factories and industrial sites.


It traces the people who access the site as guests and in particular identifies their movements within defined perimeters, all without having to purchase any equipment to be delivered to the guest.

It consists of an App to be installed on an iOS or Android smartphone to transform it into a location locator and an administrative web application from which the company can define the perimeters of the areas to be monitored, authorize guests and track their movements on the map, having evidence of any access to restricted areas.

In real time it is possible to know the time and geographical position of the guests who have accessed the industrial site.

The whole solution is in the cloud and therefore does not require any infrastructure from the customer.

Definition of Areas: It is possible to define all the areas to be monitored on the map. The perimeters of each area are highlighted in yellow. Each area can be associated with a name.

Guest Locator: It is possible to monitor the guest's movements on the map configured in the system. In the event that a guest enters or is in a restricted area, the vigilante is notified via a notification

Guest historical path: There is also a section in which the security guard can view the entire path taken by the guest on the map, verifying any access to restricted areas.

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Team Power s.r.l. - Viale E. Garrone 16/A, Città Giardino - 96010 Melilli (SR) P.Iva: 01624870893