The advent of cloud applications, the increase in remote and mobile workers and the creation of jobs in secondary offices, has profoundly changed the approach to security in the corporate world. Protecting data has become a priority for every company.
Every organization, both public and private, regardless of sector or size, is now exposed to increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks, with the consequent corruption, partial or total loss of its information assets: significant economic and reputational damage, inactivity and costly regulatory sanctions they are the direct consequence.
Dynamically updating business priorities has become a necessity for entrepreneurs who want to stay competitive and thrive. You need to be collaborative and get help from a solution tailored to your company.

We help our customers defend their data to continue conducting their business safely, regardless of threats that could affect business operations.

Il nostro portafoglio di servizi è costituito dalla costante interazione e dall'evoluzione di componenti tecnologiche e umane, che collaborano per garantire la sicurezza dell'ecosistema dei servizi IT attraverso le seguenti fasi:
- Analisi dell’organizzazione aziendale a livello organizzativo, di processo e tecnologico;
- Identificazione dei possibili indicatori di rischio;
- Utilizzo di soluzioni in grado di rilevare e bloccare il più possibile le minacce dall’asterno;
- Creazione di copie dei dati aziendali critici isolate dalla rete;
- Monitoraggio remoto dell’infrastruttura e aggiornamenti costanti;
- Formazione degli utenti/dipendenti al corretto approccio della cybersecury.
Our technicians follow an annual training program to stay updated on new threats and analysis and contrast tools.