
Marsa Siclà Resort – Sampieri – RG
The project saw the supply and integration of our Ip-Box platform for managing IP communication for the entire resort. The switchboard manages 163 internal telephones as well as the reception console with which it is possible to have incoming and outgoing traffic under control in real time. A multi-platform web interface has been implemented with which the customer can easily create extensions and make changes to the system configuration, independently.

Hotel Mercure Siracusa – SR
Complete management of the network infrastructure and hotel automation systems, system support for physical and virtual servers and all related backup management, monitoring and disaster recovery through related enterprise-class tools.

Hotel Panorama – Siracusa - SR
The project saw the complete supply and integration of our Ip-Box platform for the management of IP communication in the hotel. The switchboard manages 53 internal telephones in addition to the reception console.

B&B Aretusa Vacanze – Siracusa - SR
The project saw the complete supply and integration of our Ip-Box platform for the management of IP communication in the hotel. The switchboard manages 12 internal telephones in addition to the reception console.

Una Hotels ONE Siracusa – SR
The project saw the complete supply and integration of our Ip-Box platform for the management of IP communication in the hotel. The switchboard manages 54 internal telephones as well as 6 remote extensions configured on the same number of smartphones to keep the service personnel in constant communication.